Hi there 👋

My name is Chris. I'm a Full Stack Developer and currently living in Leeds in the U.K. 🇬🇧

I have been developing websites for a while now. I remember using WYSIWYG editors like Microsoft FrontPage and Macromedia Dreamweaver (now Adobe). 'Member Geocities? But then I started to be able to read the code, and drag-and-drop tools became a thing of the past.

I'm a big wrestling fan -- have been for 30+ years now (bah gawd) and used to make a lot of websites catered around that. It was fun, I learnt a ton about code and what it was to own a community.

Around 2011/12, I felt PHP wasn't going anywhere and other newer frameworks kept popping up and piqued my interest -- Ruby on Rails for example and I nearly jumped onto that boat, but then Laravel came along and changed the game. I've pretty much followed Laravel since it started getting it's traction, around version 3 I believe and I certainly don't regret it, it's been a joy to use and follow the community and see the capabilities of what people have been able to do with it.

It took a while, but I eventually got into the commercial side of this and was able to start doing this as a job. I'd been doing some development work in other roles, but nothing official. Overtime, I also picked up some DevOps skills and became sufficient in using these skills in other roles.

You can learn more about my career in IT and development by checking out my CV.

You can find me lurking around some other platforms, such as:

Thanks for stopping by to learn more about me.

Feel free to contact me by clicking "Contact Me" above, or just emailing me at chris@mellor.pizza
